12 March 2025 07:37 Русский



The Moscow Exchange and the Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD) initiated the creation of the Companies Circle in the framework of the OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable. The main task of the Companies Circle is providing the expert and organizational assistance to the Companies Circle members in improving their corporate governance and business integrity, as well as spreading the information on good practices in Russian companies. The Companies Circle helps its members to move forward in the areas of high priority for the international investors and major groups of shareholders as well as to improve the awareness of investors, contractors, public bodies and other stakeholders on their achievements in improving the quality of corporate governance. The Russian corporate governance Code 2014, OECD business standards, including the G20/OECD Corporate Governance Principles, the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies, the OECD Convention against corruption, as well as the results of the OECD project "Trust and business" are used as landmarks in the Companies Circle's activities.

The Companies Circle's functioning is conducted in periodic meetings format, as well as seminars and working groups with the participation of leading foreign and Russian experts, including employees of the OECD who share their experience and best practices. The representatives of the regulators (the Bank of Russia, Ministry of economic development of Russia, the Federal property management Agency) are also invited to participate in the discussion of topical corporate governance issues at the Companies Circle meetings. The Companies Circle has no intention to endorse or to rank the companies" reports or to improve the corporate governance and business integrity practices existing in particular companies. Informing about the Companies Circle activity is provided by posting this information on the website of the OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable, presentation of reports at the annual meetings of the Roundtable, and by preparing a synthesis reports on the activities of the Companies Circle. Wherein, the published materials are to be previously approved by all the companies – Companies Circle members.

The Companies Circle project was launched in February 2016 and will last at least until the end of 2017, i.e. until the completion of the OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable and perhaps beyond.


Date Event Venue
Recent events
1 November, 2017 Presentation of a new ICAEW educational film "Without question" Moscow
17 October, 2017 A seminar devoted to the discussion of actual issues in the business integrity and anti-corruption practices area, the compliance culture level in the Russian companies. Presentation and discussion of the educational ICAEW film "False Assurance" Moscow
14 September, 2017 Seminar devoted to the discussion of anticorruption issues Moscow
21 June, 2017 Seminar devoted to the discussion of remarks and proposals to the Corporate Governance Code Moscow
19 April, 2017 Roundtable "Responsible Investing in Russia: Practice and Prospects" Moscow
October 11, 2016 A seminar devoted to the discussion of anti-corruption issues Moscow
June 15, 2016  A seminar devoted to the discussion of the remuneration system for members of Boards of Directors and top managers and the evaluation of the effectiveness of Boards of Directors Moscow
February 18, 2016 The first orientation meeting of the Companies Circle members Moscow


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